Game Date: 12/01
With barely time to draw breath after rescuing Baeshra from the gelatinous cube the party are attacked by some extremely smelly rotting corpses which threw lumps of their own corrupted flesh as an attack which caused Tryn's flesh to start rotting as well. Ash manages to Turn them and they back off a distance whilst taking some serious sparkly radiant damage. Balasar and Tryn continue to pummel away at the corrupted corpses as Ash uses his Lance of Faith to shine forth the divine glory of Pelor upon the unclean spirits. Arranis deals the death blow to the final corpse with a might Magic Missile.
The next few rooms contain a pair of plain-looking sarcophagi and a chest within which there are three amulets. One of which is rather shiny, in a nicely magical type of way, and the other two have the names of Sir Keegan's children inscribed on them. Also in the chest are some wooden practice swords and a hairbush with a mother of pearl handle.
1x Amulet (Safewing +1) = Arranis
2x Children's Amulets (450GP in total)
1x Mother of Pearl Handled Hairbrush
After an extended rest to get Baeshra back on his feet and a lengthy review of maps scrawled so far they head off and find a room they hadn't so far investigated. And what a room! Rivers of blood and a Priest of Orcus accompanied by skelewags.
Treasure from Priest of Orcus
1x Mace
1x Dagger

Success! Kalarel and his death cult have been uncovered and maybe even eradicated. To prove to Edric in Waterdeep that the job has been done Ash takes Kalarel's Prayer Book with the intention of showing it to Edric and then destroying it.
[Encounter = 1350xp/5]
[Quest Bonus = 2000xp/5]
[Misc Bonus = 750xp/5]
Aaaaaand rest...
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