Real Date: 17-Dec-2011
Game Date: 26/1
In the bunk room they find
Dwarven Scale Armour
They explore some more and find a room with a caged dire boar.
Demonic Gnoll Scourge and his friend attack Morthos
Book of Wrath Unveiled - is this the tome they are looking for?
They free 2x tieflings who are very grateful. They were mercenaries but don't want to die so they gratefully take their leave.
Along another corridor with blood on the floor they are halted by the ghosts of dead adventurers - a human, a dwarf and a female elf. They are Valdrog, Sir Terris and Mendara. They are also very grumpy with the female elf stating that the party are weak and won't be able to complete the quest to find the mask, the blade, the tome and the bell. These must be placed on the runes east of the proving grounds to complete the ceremony.
Friday, April 27, 2012
Journal #17 - November 2011
Real Date: 19-Nov-2012
Game Date: 24/1 [continued]
They reach a chamber with rough-hewn walls and three boulders... where they are attacked by a big bronzey thing and 2x tieflings. The bronzey thing is a warder, which takes Baeshra down. Morthos and Tryn each kill themselves a tiefling in the battle. The party recover three scrolls...
A scruffily written note which read, "Deal with these adventurers...don't care how you do it. Take one of the bronze warders if you must. If they remain in the Labyrinth, they could disrupt my plans. Once you’ve dealt with them, deliver their bodies to our gnoll friends, along with the enclosed scroll - Paldemar"
The second scroll was more lavish, "Maldrick Scarmaker, Exalted Chieftain of The Blackfangs, Chosen of Yeenoghu: Paldemar offers you the corpses of these champions as a gift of ongoing friendship, that our arrangement might continue to be mutually beneficial. May you savour their blood."
The third was a map of the labyrinth directing the reader to The Well of Demons annotated with "Blackfangs"
The party take an extended rest and head back to the Seven Pillared Hall where they quiz Mother Moon about Paldemar. she says he was one of the Mages of Saren that run the Hall but he's been missing for a while. She also knows that the Blackfangs are a group of gnolls that lurk deep down below. She says it's best if they show the scrolls to Orontor (the Duty Mage)
Orontor goes on to offer the party 5000gp for information and another 3000gp to stop Paldemar's activities.
Ash does some research into Yeenoghu and reveals that he is a Demon Prince - the Demon Lord of Gnolls, no less.
Game Date: 25/1
Set off down the Road of Shadows to start journey to the Well of Demons. They encounter a large room with a well and minotaurs carved into the columns. A loud booming voice asks the party to prove they are worthy of the Blessing of Baphomet, "Mask, Bell, Blade and Tome".
They are then attacked by 2x chokers and a tentacled thingy. There is also a ghoul hiding in the shadows. Tryn slays a choker with a single hit and Asteron is grabbed by the tentacles. Ouchie.
Whilst they take a short rest a spectral minotaur appears and lets out an agonised wail. They are then attacked by 4x gnolls and another with a crossbow. However, sadly in this battle, Asteron is slain. Slain to death. Dead. Gone.
Game Date: 24/1 [continued]
They reach a chamber with rough-hewn walls and three boulders... where they are attacked by a big bronzey thing and 2x tieflings. The bronzey thing is a warder, which takes Baeshra down. Morthos and Tryn each kill themselves a tiefling in the battle. The party recover three scrolls...
A scruffily written note which read, "Deal with these adventurers...don't care how you do it. Take one of the bronze warders if you must. If they remain in the Labyrinth, they could disrupt my plans. Once you’ve dealt with them, deliver their bodies to our gnoll friends, along with the enclosed scroll - Paldemar"
The second scroll was more lavish, "Maldrick Scarmaker, Exalted Chieftain of The Blackfangs, Chosen of Yeenoghu: Paldemar offers you the corpses of these champions as a gift of ongoing friendship, that our arrangement might continue to be mutually beneficial. May you savour their blood."
The third was a map of the labyrinth directing the reader to The Well of Demons annotated with "Blackfangs"
The party take an extended rest and head back to the Seven Pillared Hall where they quiz Mother Moon about Paldemar. she says he was one of the Mages of Saren that run the Hall but he's been missing for a while. She also knows that the Blackfangs are a group of gnolls that lurk deep down below. She says it's best if they show the scrolls to Orontor (the Duty Mage)
Orontor goes on to offer the party 5000gp for information and another 3000gp to stop Paldemar's activities.
Ash does some research into Yeenoghu and reveals that he is a Demon Prince - the Demon Lord of Gnolls, no less.
Game Date: 25/1
Set off down the Road of Shadows to start journey to the Well of Demons. They encounter a large room with a well and minotaurs carved into the columns. A loud booming voice asks the party to prove they are worthy of the Blessing of Baphomet, "Mask, Bell, Blade and Tome".
They are then attacked by 2x chokers and a tentacled thingy. There is also a ghoul hiding in the shadows. Tryn slays a choker with a single hit and Asteron is grabbed by the tentacles. Ouchie.
Whilst they take a short rest a spectral minotaur appears and lets out an agonised wail. They are then attacked by 4x gnolls and another with a crossbow. However, sadly in this battle, Asteron is slain. Slain to death. Dead. Gone.
Friday, November 18, 2011
Journal #16 - September 2011

Game Date: 23/1
They head down a corridor and find two closed doors on opposite sides. Baeshra opens one of these doors. Now the sensible thing to do would be to just open one door and deal with whatever happens before moving on. However, Morthos had other ideas! The party now find themselves attacked on two sides! Orcs and ogre to one side and duergar on the other. Challenging, to say the least.
It turned out that one of those duergar was the mysterious Murkelmoor that they had heard mention of before. However, this news is of little comfort to Ash, Balasar and Morthos who are all killed in the mad battle.
Murkelmoor's Maul
+ Key
Chest with 260GP
+ Amulet
+ Onyx demon idol with ruby eyes (250GP)
Tryn and Baeshra find the slaves and ask for their help to carry the bodies of their fallen comrades back to the Seven Pillared Hall...
Back in the Temple of The Hidden Light of Arathis the party ask Phaledra to raise their friends from the dead. This she does for the small fee of 2500GP.
Game Date: 24/1
There is a note passed to Baeshra. The author claims to be in a position of authority and wants help to defeat their erstwhile comrades in the evil organisation. They claim that they "want out" and ask the party to follow the attached map to meet in secret.
Meanwhile, in the bar Baeshra and Tryn get friendly with a minotaur called Asteron who the party decide can join them on a trial basis. The three of them head off to the meeting location, leaving the other party members behind to recuperate.
They reach a chamber with rough-hewn walls and three boulders...
Friday, September 23, 2011
Journal #15 - June 2011
Real Date: 04-Jun-2011
Game Date: 21/1
There is a cold wind as the chapel doors are opened. within there is a minotaur statue surrounded by piles of rubble. Ash is suspicious but can find no trace of undead creatures. It gets colder as Baeshra as Balasar rummage around and try to open a door and then five wights arise from the ruins. Ash tries to turn the vile creatures but Pelor ignores his pleas - twice! There is a close fought battle in which the party take lots of necrotic damage. Ash eventually hits one of the undead creatures with a Daunting Light but is soon felled in battle. With masterful control of his Spinning Blade, Tryn finished off the wight that had downed Ash. He then goes on to stabilise Ash to stop him from dying and then kills the last of the wights.
Game Date: 22/1
The party head down a some steps and hear voices, talking of "plucking out eye." Baeshra opens the door and finds a room with 3x wells... and 2x devilish figures, 2x duergar and 1x uber-duergar. The party are hit with poison and darkness spells but Ash is able cast a Cascade of Light on one of the flying devilish creatures at the same time as Tryn unleashes the devastating Spinning Blade on the same creature. Ash finish it off with a Daunting Light and it dies... But victory is short-lived as Ash is downed again! Tryn stabilises Ash (again!) but Baeshra falls at the end of the battle.
The 3x wells in the room were actually slave pits and contains the slaves captured from the Riverdaun. There is a goblin amongst the slaves who calls Morthos rather unpleasant names. Morthos, being the tolerant and gentle creature that he is, promptly blows the goblin to pieces. The slaves inform the party that two of their number are missing, they were taken away by gnolls.
Game Date: 23/1
After long periods of extended rest the party are ready to move on to Murkelmoor in search of an answer to the slave trade problem...
Game Date: 21/1
There is a cold wind as the chapel doors are opened. within there is a minotaur statue surrounded by piles of rubble. Ash is suspicious but can find no trace of undead creatures. It gets colder as Baeshra as Balasar rummage around and try to open a door and then five wights arise from the ruins. Ash tries to turn the vile creatures but Pelor ignores his pleas - twice! There is a close fought battle in which the party take lots of necrotic damage. Ash eventually hits one of the undead creatures with a Daunting Light but is soon felled in battle. With masterful control of his Spinning Blade, Tryn finished off the wight that had downed Ash. He then goes on to stabilise Ash to stop him from dying and then kills the last of the wights.
Game Date: 22/1
The party head down a some steps and hear voices, talking of "plucking out eye." Baeshra opens the door and finds a room with 3x wells... and 2x devilish figures, 2x duergar and 1x uber-duergar. The party are hit with poison and darkness spells but Ash is able cast a Cascade of Light on one of the flying devilish creatures at the same time as Tryn unleashes the devastating Spinning Blade on the same creature. Ash finish it off with a Daunting Light and it dies... But victory is short-lived as Ash is downed again! Tryn stabilises Ash (again!) but Baeshra falls at the end of the battle.
The 3x wells in the room were actually slave pits and contains the slaves captured from the Riverdaun. There is a goblin amongst the slaves who calls Morthos rather unpleasant names. Morthos, being the tolerant and gentle creature that he is, promptly blows the goblin to pieces. The slaves inform the party that two of their number are missing, they were taken away by gnolls.
Game Date: 23/1
After long periods of extended rest the party are ready to move on to Murkelmoor in search of an answer to the slave trade problem...
Friday, June 3, 2011
Journal #14 - April 2011
Real Date: 09-Apr-2011
Game Date: 21/1 (cont)
The portcullis raises, suprising the party members who were dithering around arguing over how to approach the portcullis. Two duergar step out of the keep and take on the might of Baeshra and Balasar, they then phase step back out of the way and shoot beard quills at the fabulous B&B. Two more duergar rush forth and engage Tryn and Ash. Morthps whips out an Eldritch Blast followed by Ash's Divine Glow and battle is joined...
After a short rest the party cross the chasm via the bridge and find a guard post on the other side with 3 more duergar in. For some nefarious mysterious reason Morthos decides to explore on his won while the rest of the party battle the duergar. Only when Morthos returns does the party have the combined strength to finish of the enemy.
[40GP, 3x100GP rubies]
Game Date: 21/1 (cont)
The portcullis raises, suprising the party members who were dithering around arguing over how to approach the portcullis. Two duergar step out of the keep and take on the might of Baeshra and Balasar, they then phase step back out of the way and shoot beard quills at the fabulous B&B. Two more duergar rush forth and engage Tryn and Ash. Morthps whips out an Eldritch Blast followed by Ash's Divine Glow and battle is joined...
After a short rest the party cross the chasm via the bridge and find a guard post on the other side with 3 more duergar in. For some nefarious mysterious reason Morthos decides to explore on his won while the rest of the party battle the duergar. Only when Morthos returns does the party have the combined strength to finish of the enemy.
[40GP, 3x100GP rubies]
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