Game Date: 23/1
They head down a corridor and find two closed doors on opposite sides. Baeshra opens one of these doors. Now the sensible thing to do would be to just open one door and deal with whatever happens before moving on. However, Morthos had other ideas! The party now find themselves attacked on two sides! Orcs and ogre to one side and duergar on the other. Challenging, to say the least.
It turned out that one of those duergar was the mysterious Murkelmoor that they had heard mention of before. However, this news is of little comfort to Ash, Balasar and Morthos who are all killed in the mad battle.
Murkelmoor's Maul
+ Key
Chest with 260GP
+ Amulet
+ Onyx demon idol with ruby eyes (250GP)
Tryn and Baeshra find the slaves and ask for their help to carry the bodies of their fallen comrades back to the Seven Pillared Hall...
Back in the Temple of The Hidden Light of Arathis the party ask Phaledra to raise their friends from the dead. This she does for the small fee of 2500GP.
Game Date: 24/1
There is a note passed to Baeshra. The author claims to be in a position of authority and wants help to defeat their erstwhile comrades in the evil organisation. They claim that they "want out" and ask the party to follow the attached map to meet in secret.
Meanwhile, in the bar Baeshra and Tryn get friendly with a minotaur called Asteron who the party decide can join them on a trial basis. The three of them head off to the meeting location, leaving the other party members behind to recuperate.
They reach a chamber with rough-hewn walls and three boulders...
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