Game Date: 01/01
- Blast - Human(?) Dungeon Master - 666th Level (Mark)
- Ash - Elven Priest of Pelor - 1st Level (Kopic)
- Arranis - Eladrin War Wizard - 1st Level (Jordan)
- Baeshra - Dargonborn Paladin - 1st Level (Jason)
- Darcorious Shadowing - Dragonborn Warlord - 1st Level (Kieran)
- Tryn - Halfling Rogue - 1st Level (Mike)
The party are in the pub in Waterdeep having their weekly adventurer's meeting when an acolyte of the temple of Pelor rushes in to pass a message to Ash. The message is from Edric, Ash's mentor, who then beseeches Ash and his friends to travel to Winterhaven to investigate reports of someone called Kalarel setting up a Death Cult in the area. Edric tells the group that there will be a bonus reward if they bring proof that the cult has been destroyed.

Treasure Haul
2x Dragonscale Shields
2x Short Swords
1x Sling (+10 sling shot)
5x Spears
5x Javelins
34x Silver
When they reach Winterhaven they start to quiz the locals and try to pick up any rumours. They hear of someone called Dauven Staul who disappeared and never returned. They also meet Valthrun the farmer and Ilian the dwarven smith. Ilian revelas that Dauven Staul had asked about a local burial ground so he asks the party to go and look for him there. Ilian mentions the Raven Queen.
Delphina Moongem - Market Square
Fair Coalstriker - Smith
Valthrun the Prescient
Lord Pardraig
Bearwin Wildersun
Sister Lenora
Rond Gelfen
Lord Pardraig tells the party he will pay them 100 GP to sort out the kobold menace and gives them a map to their lair.
Naturally, the party are attacked on the road by another band of ferocious kobolds who refuse to surrender or retreat. After a fierce battle to the near death the party triumph over the leader, a priest who was carrying a black dragon figurine which had obsidian underneath and with was engraved outline of a skull with ram's horns. Arranis recognises this as the symbol of Orcus, Lord of The Undead, and it is worth approximately 80 GP.
Treasure Haul
Black Dragon Figurine (80GP)
5 GP
23 SP
Total Party Funds
5 GP
31 SP
Experience: 220 xp each (1100 xp total)
Fantastic write-up ..... love the picture as well!
A most amusing read, brought back many happy memories of the old days!
Previous Game:
>>> Edric tells the group that there will be a bonus reward if they bring proof that the cult has been destroyed
Darn, you would think that your words to your mentor would be proof enough. He obviously doesn't trust you ! Kill him now !
>>> Ilian mentions the Raven Queen
Sounds like some drow evil female servant of Lolth. Raven equating to her dark skin and Queen, well, the Demon Queen of Spiders ! Lolth, you can't keep a good spider down !
>>> Naturally, the party are attacked on the road by another band of ferocious kobolds who refuse to surrender or retreat
Of course, you were setup ! Lord Pardraig is most likely in league with the Cult of Death - probably their High Lord of Death and cruel Slayings! Best proactively kill him as well !
>>> Black Dragon Figurine (80GP)
Ah-ha ! Last time I saw one of those it turned into a living full sized black dragon and ate half a dozen innocent pilgrims ! Best melt it down in a forge to be safe !
Last Game.:
>>> Whilst there they persuade Lord Pardraig to give them a 50% advance on the reward (50GP). They rest for the night with no interruptions.
Damn, NPC's have gone all soft !! In my day the NPC would have ripped you all off, after you had done the deed, and of course, demanded 75% of all the treasure you found as a donation to the orphans fund of the poor farmers children whose parents were slain by the poor Kobolds. You know, even a Kobold has to make a living and "death cults" aren't that bad, after all, everyone has to die eventually --- might as well get your worship in in advance!
>>> The next day (04/01) they set off on the road after a hearty breakfast and reach the kobold lair again with being attacked on the road.
Hope you all paid? You know, the cost of food skyrockets when kobolds are killing everyone out in the fields !
>>> During the fierce battle that ensues Arannis takes down with some superbly timed Magic Missiles a fleeing Kobold
Falling over, as you fumble with your spell book, and blasting a poor kobold in the back, does not equal "timed"
>>> Tryn stealthily follows the trail
Never seen a stealthy rogue yet, they all want to be tanks and don't understand why they get the snot beaten outta them in melee combat with mobs head on !
>>> This time the battle is almost taken to the wire with Tryn and Arannis both flirting with death in their own ways.
Bah !!!! It wasn't down to the wire, it was a glorious victory with a few minor scrapes, abrasions and flesh wounds on our heroes !
>>> which talks of a spy in Winterhaven
Yeah, see my earlier comments about the Lord Pardraig, cut him down now, DO IT, be proactive !
>>> Dwarf sized chain mail (which is probably magical)
Yeah, cursed, -5 !!!!
Dark Lord
of Merydian TNG , Merydian, Dark Magic, Greyhawk Chronicles and Mitra Campaigns
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