Sunday, November 1, 2009

Journal #2 - November 2009

Real Date: 01-Nov-09
Game Date: 03/01

After the previous encounter the party rest for a short time to heal up and then they continue their on their quest. After a few hours Ash's keen hearing alerts him to the rushing of water and the noises of an encampment stirring. Luckily they hadn't heard the arrival of the party so they retreat a short distance to prepare for their attack on the Kobold camp. The party make their plan and attack, but they had been preparing for their arrival with their leader standing inside a stone circle with runes inscribed on the ground. During the fierce battle that ensues Arannis takes down with some superbly timed Magic Missiles a fleeing Kobold that was going for reinforcements, screaming that "Irontooth" must be warned.

Treasure Haul
4GP 17SP

Experience: 115xp each (575 xp total)

Tryn stealthily follows the trail that the fleeing Kobold had tried to take and finds a cave hidden behind the waterfall. He reports back that this is most likely the Kobold lair the party were looking for. They decide to head back to Winterhaven to rest and recuperate overnight. Whilst there they persuade Lord Pardraig to give them a 50% advance on the reward (50GP). They rest for the night with no interruptions.

The next day (04/01) they set off on the road after a hearty breakfast and reach the kobold lair again with being attacked on the road. No surprise really as they had cleared out all the Kobolds on the previous day.

They enter the cave behind the waterfall and the alarm is instantly raised and so begins the hardest battle the party have yet faced... The leader of the Kobolds is a fearsome goblin named Irontooth who is extremely tough and uses a double headed battleaxe. He is ably assisted by a number of tough henchmen and a priest as well as the usual kobold cannon-fodder. The party fight effectively, barely moving from the entrance to the waterfall deciding instead to stand their ground and letting the enemy come to them. This time the battle is almost taken to the wire with Tryn and Arannis both flirting with death in their own ways.

True to form, Irontooth is the last of the bad guys to fall to the spells and weapons of the party and with his dying breath he utters exhortations to Orcus and to Kalarel which gives the party confirmation that the kobolds were working with or for the person that they had originally came looking for - Kalarel, the leader of the death cult.

On Irontooth's body they find a key and a message from Kalarel which talks of a spy in Winterhaven who has been on the lookout and also says that Kalarel is close to opening a rift which will allow the minions of Orcus to come through to do his bidding and feast.

Treasure Haul
Dwarf sized chain mail (which is probably magical)

Experience: 250xp each (1250xp total)

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