Saturday, January 16, 2010

Journal #3 - December 2009

Real Date: 06-Dec-09
Game Date: 05/01

After resting overnight the party decide to head to the burial ground to find Dauven Staul. They take most of the morning to get there and emerge into a clearing near a large crater. There are humanoids in the depression along with two small dragon-like creatures. A gnome calls out to the party to come and look what the workers had found. Naturally, they suspect a trap but go along with it anyway... There is a pitched battle in which Baeshra is taken down almost instantly by the small dragonoids, but the party are triumphant. They investigate a crate and find amongst the gold and silver a small mirror. They also find a nearby body covered in a sheet. The body turns out to be a bound and gagged figure that announces himself as Dauven Staul. He points out that this band that was working here were looking for an artifact. The party decide that Valthrun back in Winterhaven might know what the mirror is and if it was what they bad guys had been looking for in this dragon horde.

Treasure Haul
65GP 13SP

Experience: 120xp each (Total = 705 xp each)

Back in Winterhaven they notice that the locals are now all acting very strangely, they seem to be extremely troubled and worried about something so they make Lord Pardraig their first port of call. Pardraig hands over the final 50GP of the reward he had offered for Irontooth's head and says that he hadn't noticed any strange bahaviour in the town.

Next stop is the inn where they bump into an acquaintance of Darcorious from back home, Balasar, who informs Darco that he is needed by his family because their home is being attacked. Darco decides to leave and Balasar stays with the party in his stead.

Ash, Tryn and Arranis go to speak to Valthrun to ask about the mirror. Valthrun explains about the ancient empire of Nerath and tells them that there is an old keep to the north of the town built on a rift to the Shadowfell. The rift connects to the sanctuary of Orcus and was built to keep the undead at bay. The mirror may be a key to pass through the rift. He goes on to explain that 80 years previously Sir Keegan, the commander of the Keep, betrayed it's inhabitants and slaughtered nearly everyone that was within. Sir Keegan was eventually beaten but was merely banished to the depths. The keep as eventually abandoned when everyone thought the threat had abated and it was left to go to ruin...

They then go to speak to Sister Lenora who directs them to Elian who says that a door has opened and darkness lies beyond!

Game Date: 06/01

Set off at dawn towards the keep and take a spooky track off the main road eventaully finding a clearing near the ruin. There is evidence of tampering at the entrance to the ruins, with paths cleared. There is a stone staircase leading down into the darkness, a chill breeze accompanies them on their descent.

There is a room at the bottom of the stairs with a goblin at the far side who starts taunting Tryn. There is a minor skirmish and Balasar falls into a pit trap. More goblins pop up and there is more battle, settled by the party splitting in two and taking the enemy on two fronts, winning the day.

Treasure Haul
43GP 21SP

Experience: 135xp each (Total = 840 xp each)

Tryn gets bored while the rest of the party decide whether to clear the current level they're on or two explore further down... Tryn sneaks down the stairs while no-one is looking and the next thing the party know there is a scream from down below! Ash is first down the stairs and catches Tryn and stops him running off, it seems as though he is being compelled to run away in a blind panic. Ash finds that they are in a room full of zombies!

In a truly dazzling display of holy might, Ash calls upon the divine light of Pelor to turn the undead and is miraculously favoured when all but one are turned! The final zombie is blown to smithereens as Ash once more calls upon Pelor and his Lance of Faith.

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