Game Date: 09/01
...whilst spending the evening at the Wrafton Arms in Winterhaven the party meet a wandering shaman buying provisions. He introduces himself as Nororin Loreweaver and declares his intention to rid the area of the evil kobold and goblin menace. This is a natural fit for the party's aims, so he decides to grace them with his presence. Ash is drawn to the man, sensing in him a pure purpose, so tells him more of the party's aims regarding the death cult.
Game Date: 10/01
The party head back to the keep and make their back down towards the area with the fear-inducing runes. Ash tries the pass-phrase to see if it disarms the traps. Tryn decides to test the theory and finds that the answer is a resounding "NO!" as he springs the trap. A blood-curdling scream ensues from either the rune trap or Tryn (hard to tell which) but he just manages to recover his senses to stop himself being affected. In a bid to bypass the trap Baeshra tries to jump it but fails miserably, landing in a crumpled heap of legs, arms and various pieces of armour and weapons setting off the trap and succumbing to the fear.
There then appear a horde of zombies shambling down the corridor towards Tryn. Arranis Twists the Arcane Fabric and whisks Tryn out of the way and then sends Magic Missile one after the other into the horde as Ash Turns the undead and obliterates three of them. The battle continues as Balasar runs away, leaving the spell casters and thief to fend for themselves. They acquit themselves admirably as Ash obliterates three more of the zombies while Arranis continues to hurl MM after MM and Nororin swings mightily with his battleaxe. A Thunderwave from Arranis floors two more zombies while a Lance of Faith from Ash finishes the last one off.
Meanwhile, Tryn deftly jumps another screaming rune...but Ash and Bash both make a goblin's ear of their attempts but eventually make it. The group find a room with a set of stairs leading down and see figures on guard at the bottom. The retire to the corridor behind then to heal before tackling the guards. Tryn finds a secret door and points it out to Balasar who operates the opening mechanism by bashing it. The small room they have found makes a perfect hidey-hole but Tryn soon notices something strange about the back wall - it is shimmering and they can hear the sound of moaning coming from behind it. Tryn, ever the cautious one, sticks his head through the wall and is soon followed by the others as they face a room full of zombies. Ash is quick to act and manages to Turn two of them, causing the glory of Pelor to radiantly smite the unclean
fiends. Tryn is also mightily blessed with skill and dispatches one in short order. There is then a pitched battle
in which Nororin and Arranis acquit themselves admirably.
This room is an armoury and upon the rack is an inscription,
"A wondrous treasure valued by all, sought by many. Found in both victory and defeat yet never at the bottom of a treasure chest. It marches before you like a herald and lives long after you are gone. Of what do I speak?"
The party are quick to decipher this riddle and boldly announce their answer, "REPUTATION!"
The armour on the rack glows and before thier eyes transforms into what they know immediately is magical scale armour. The rest of the items in the room are rusted and useles... Balasar is nominated as the recipient of the armour for his valour in combat and the fact no-one else can or wants to use it.
Experience: 63xp each
Game Date: 11/01
After an evening's rest they head down to the 2nd level of the keep to challenge the guards they had spied the day before. The guard challenges them and Ash responds confidently with the what the party believe to be the passcode they had uncovered from the graveyard, "From the ground magic was found..." Unfortunately, this strategy is mistaken as it seems this passcode was actually a way to pass word that Ninaren had been slain! The guard raises the alarm, shouting "Tell Kalarel Ninaren is slain!"

Experience: 186xp
Treasure: 27gp 10sp
They had back to the secret room to lick their wounds and rest, making themselves ready for another day's adventuring at Shadowfell Keep.
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