Game Date: 12/01
The party enters a room which contains statues and in the center has a statue of a titan on a raised plinth. Baeshra approaches one of the smaller statues in a corner but is hit by a blast of dragon force breath and is knocked back a distance. He approaches again from the other side and the same happens again... and again... and he is knocked around the room like a pinball. The Titan statue in the center swings around with its sword and barely misses Baeshra. The room looks like a memorial room with cherub statues at the exit which hold vases aloft. Arranis Twists the Arcane Fabric in order to rescue Baeshra from his pinball antics before he is killed and deposits him in front of Ash to perform the healing rituals.
Tryn manages to climb on board one of the dragon statues by triggering a trap and then running as fast as his little legs can carry him. He then disarms the trap and Baeshra decides to test it... with dire results! It isn't disarmed and Baeshra finds himself being hurled away again, taking more damage. Tryn then disarms it properly and, for some brave but foolhardy reason, Baeshra tests it again. This time it is safe. The party then spend some time messing around with the statues trying to figure out exactly what they are all about. Baeshra decides to approach the exit, passing the cherubs with the vases and trips a trap which encases him in a force cage. The added twist with tghis trap is that the force cage is filling with water from the vases and Baeshra will surely drown if they can't get him out in time! The water is very swirly and Baeshra is on the point of drowning before Arranis finally manages to discern the magical qualities of the trap and they disarm it - by tipping one of the statues over. Simple really.

The damp but happy-to-be-not-drowned-to-death Baeshra listens at the exit door and hears shuffling feet. Naturally, they open the door without further ado and are confronted with yet more zombies - these ones seem to stink a bit more than others they've met. The battle with the zombies proceeds apace when party members start becoming dazed for no apparent reason. Arranis spots the cause near the ceiling - a homunculus. There are loads more zombies to contend with but they are eventually dispatched along with the dastardly homunculus.
A "really roomy" bag
Experience: 200xp each
Tryn finds a room thorugh a small tunnel which contains the remains of lots of bodies and various items on uninterest. They venture further onwards and Baeshra is trapped by a gelatinous cube... not Baeshra's day, really! Ash use the mighty Cascade of Light spell to deal massive damage and it eventually dies with help from the other members of the party. Baeshra, again, was close to death...
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