Friday, December 10, 2010

Journal #10 - October 2010

Real Date: 09-Oct-10
Game Date: 19/01

The party spend some time exploring and getting to know the environs of the hall. Tryn chats with Vadriar the Sage who explains that the most senior official in the hall is Ordinator Arcanis.

Ash approaches Orontor, a senior human figure around 30 years of age and of a sour disposition, asking if there are any employment opportunities. Orontor is impessed when Ash regales him with the tale of the rescue of Rendell and he promises to meet the party at a later date to discuss a possible job.

Later, Rendell tells the party that, to find the Chamber of Eyes, they should leave via the Dragon Door and follow the Prospector's route and turn left after the fire-staring eyes - a big door with an eye on it.

Game Date: 20/01

Set off for the Chamber of Eyes and reach a door with a lintel. Baeshra opens the door to look inside and beyond is a chamber with statues and voices. The party form a subtle plan and Baeshra knocks on the door and says, "we bring slaves". The answer comes back, "we aren't expecting any?"

Tryn finds another way into the chamber complexbut encounters two hobgoblins. One dies quickly at the hands of Tryn and the other is frozen by Arranis and then quickly dispatched. During a lull in the battle Ash heals the wounded.

Then Ash and Baeshra smash in the door to the complex and run into a goblin on the other side. Tryn and Balasar battle a bugbear. Baeshra goes off alone and encounters two duergar that floor him. Deeper inside the complex are more goblins and a warcaster. Arranis freezes the warcaster and is actually the last one left standing. In this darkest moment of need, Kelemvor himself intervenes and raises Tryn whi stays to look after the other fallen party members while Arranis goes looking for help back in the Seven Pillared Hall...

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