Friday, December 10, 2010

Journal #11 - November 2010

Real Date: 10-Nov-2010
Game Date: 19/01

Arranis never makes it back to Tryn and the others. Instead, a tiefling warlock named Morthos turns up and claims that he found Arranis as he lay dying and with his last breath sent Morthos to find Tryn and gave him a potion of healing that he had bought in the hall. Tryn gives the potion to Ash who then heals the rest of the party.

After lamenting the loss of their friend, they move on and encounter another goblin - Chief Krand himself, who they had taken by surprise. He is finished off by an Eldritch Blast from Morthos - the parties new best friend!

At the next chamber, they attempt a rather cunning plan and station themselves at different entrances and all enter at the same time, declaring "Krand is dead! Surrender or die!". Naturally, there is a big fight but it is quickly over.

[1350xp/5=270xp each]

In the next room they meet and surprise more goblins and humans gambling. The two goblins surrender and are inimidated by Morthos intio revealing that any slaves that come through their hands are sold to the duergar.

[950xp/5=190xp each]


5x 100GP gems
Letter - a contract to buy Riverdown slaves for 1000 GP which is signed by Murkelmor Grimmerzhul and dated 2 days ago.
Armour - +2 power bonus to saving throw, daily power = free action (given to Tryn)

2x 100GP gems
Scimitar +1 (to attack and damage) Life Drinker (Critical = +d6 necrotic damage)

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