Game Date: 20/01
The party decide to take their prisoners back to the Seven Pillared Hall and hand them over to Orontor. They also show Orontor the letter they had found from Krand to the Blood Reavers. Orontor tells them to summon the Ordinator, which Ash promptly does, but with some trepidation. A black-robed and figure materialises on the dais and inspires awe in all who see him. He is wearing a mask in the shape of a stylised human face.
Ordinator Arcanis raises his staff and immediately obliterates the prisoners, steps back and disappears again without a word.
Rendell says that Dreskin in the hall has a contract to sell goods to the Duergar Glimmerzhul Clan, who have a presence in the hall.
Ask and Tryn talk with Dreskin and offer to do a delivery for him for a cheap cost for the first mission.
Meanwhile Balasar and Baeshra wander into a less reputable inn and end up challenging Brugg to an arm-wresting challenge. Balasar impresses Brugg with his prowess but Baeshra puts in a poor show and is easily beaten.
Ash, Tryn and Morthos take the Life Drinker Scimitar they had found earlier to Gemdar Curios to sell. After much arghuing he agrees to buy it for 900GP if they will perform a task for him - find a Drow Sceptre that is in the possession of the duergar. He will pay handsomely for it's "return" to him but won't say any more than it's in the Horned Hold. If they want a map then he will sell it to them for 200GP. They agree to the proposal - after all, they still have 700GP more than when they walked into his shop and a mission to accomplish with the promise of more riches.

On to the Road of Shadows they come across a chasm which is approximately 300' deep which they manage to cross and a frew hours later they reach the end of the map, finding themselves on an unmarked trail. After stumbling along for a while, Tryn realises they are close to their destination and leads the party to the Horned Hold. There are two bridges which lead across a moat-like affair to a fortress.
Orcs are spotted lurking in the fortress so the party decide a full-frontal assault is what's in order! Balasar hurls his acid breath at the portcullis and battle ensues. Balasra takes many attempts but eventually manages to rip the portcullis from the wall and the remaining orcs are killed.
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